Don’t just trim your tree this festive season

A red christmas ornament hanging from the side of a tree.

Don’t just trim your tree this festive season

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The Christmas season is just around the corner and while your mind may be fully focused on what Christmas presents you need to buy, finding the dusty decorations in the attic, picking out a Christmas tree and what to wear for your Christmas party. Once you’ve finished untangling those fairy lights try not to get caught up in the midst of all the chaos and don’t forget about adding to some ME time to your to do list. Its not just your tree that needs a trim this time of year! Just because its winter and you may not be strolling on a beach anytime soon that’s no excuse to neglect your beauty treatments, something that you wouldn’t dream of forgetting in the summer months. And if you are lucky enough to be going away for some winter sun then that’s even more of an excuse to keep yourself smooth and shiny, just like a bauble on the tree!

Now when it comes to waxing you may instantly think about waxing your legs, a Brazilian for your bikini line and keeping your under arms smooth. But we also offer upper body waxing. So, when you book in for your regular leg wax you can also get your eyebrows, upper lip, chin, and even full-face waxed. I am sure we don’t need to tell you, but we are experts when it comes to waxing, wax by name and wax by nature.

If you are feeling apprehensive about getting something else waxed for the first time, don’t be! We have amazing beauty therapists who will look after you every step of the way, from consultation, during treatment and right through to aftercare. You can feel confident and put your trust in us and while you’re at it you can step away from your other halves razor, yes you… we see you and we are all guilty of it. So, say no to the messiness of at home waxing and stop taking your beauty regime into your own hands you deserve to be pampered. Let us take away the stress and do it for you! It is nearly the gift giving season after all so go on treat yourself.

Our friendly team are ready and waiting to take your call and act as your fairy godmother.
