It might be the year of the pig but don’t forget it’s the year of YOU!

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It might be the year of the pig but don’t forget it’s the year of YOU!

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It might be the year of the pig but don’t forget it’s the year of YOU!

First things first give yourselves a massive pat on the back! Because we survived the hardest, darkest skin test, coldest and let’s face it down right most depressing month of the year! The days are finally getting lighter for longer and our thoughts drift away from Christmas and New Year’s parties and we start to think about our spring and summer holidays. And we all know that when the sun starts to peak through it won’t be long before we start getting out legs, yes you too boys!

And here at Wax Inc we offer the ultimate leg waxing experience for everyone-

Ladies lower body waxing:

  • Full leg – nice and smooth all in one go
  • Full leg and bikini- go hard or go home
  • Half leg- quick and easy
  • Half leg and bikini- if your pushed for time
  • Upper leg wax- if you only opted for the half before you can go the full way later on
  • Feet – yes, we all know we get hairy toes, yes even the baby ones!

And here is what you fella’s can get-

Men’s lower body waxing:

  • Full leg wax- and if you’re a keen swimmer we all know it makes you faster in the water, which is also good if you need to swim faster to get to the pool bar!
  • Full leg and mankini- yes! Go on you know you want to
  • Half leg- ease yourself in boys
  • Feet- we all know boys have hairy feet, but hey so do us gals!

As ever our friendly and knowledgeable wax team are waiting for your call! So, come on book in asap and lets carry on with the year of YOU!
