Watch your bits boys!

A man with his torso exposed in the dark.

Watch your bits boys!

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Step away from those razors, scissors, and kiss goodbye to those days you panic about cutting your precious jewels off. If you want to know all about waxing your privates read on. We are confident there is a style to suit you and your personality.

Want to go to Miami or Sheffield? See yourself as a New Yorker or a Londoner? Have no clues what we are talking about? Read on and we will take a look at just some of the styles we offer.

The Speedo- This is a nice and easy one if you’re new to waxing. It involves the crease of your leg and blended. So, you don’t have to worry if you don’t want to part ways with all your hair just yet.

The Bermuda Triangle– A step up from the Speedo this consists of the pubic triangle being removed and groomed. And just like that it’s disappeared.

The Mexican– Not feeling brave enough to de-hair your boys just yet. This one is just buttocks only.

The Ibiza– Want a tidier finish for you booty. This one is butt crack only.

The Londoner– This one is slowly working you up to the crown jewels. With your buttocks and sac getting de-haired.

The Sheffield- Just a quickie here. Inside bum crack, penis, and sac.

The Sunga- Taking a little bit more. Your sac, penis, butt crack and pubic triangle will get a good seeing too.

The New Yorker- And a great one for when you have plucked up some courage. Sac and penis.

The Boyzillian- Did you see what we did there? ïŠ Sac, Penis, and pubic triangle.

The Miami- A bit like the Full Monty. This includes all your private area. Sac, penis, crack, buttocks, and pubic triangle. Perfect for a holiday

We have 12 different styles to choose from. You can discuss with our experienced beauticians all the different styles and choose which is best for you.  Rest assured we will look after you and leave you as smooth as the day you were born.

As ever our friendly team are awaiting your call. So, go on treat your manhood to some serious manscaping.

For more information please check out are waxing aftercare page:

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